Return of the
cosmic mother
72” x 48” and 36” x 24”
Mixed Media (paper and acrylic on wood)
Augmented Reality
About this piece
In Return of the Cosmic Mother, a woman sits balanced precariously but confidently on the edge of a mammoth’s tusk. Everything in her world moves towards her and through her as if magnetized to her power.
After seeing the finished product, my own mother noticed something pretty wild. She reminded me of a piece I’d made when I was a teenager and was struck by the similarity of the energy I was trying to convey, right down to the color choices. Even though my stylistic choices were completely different at that time, when I was younger, I didn’t have the same fear around creating art that centered around feminine power and magical themes. Though the years, I’d silenced my own voice. I’ve always wanted to depict powerful feminine entities, gently and expertly guiding and channeling large and unseen energetic forces… but I had simply denied myself permission.